GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 17.02 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 9 features and 2 enhancements in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Ability to use Dynabic.Metered account
  • Ability to detect AVI video format
  • Ability to read header of AVI video format
  • Ability to read Photoshop layers of PSD format
  • Ability to detect DICOM format
  • Ability to read metadata of DICOM format
  • Ability to read ByteOrder (little-endian, big-endian) for image formats
  • Ability to process Excel content type properties using XlsMetadata class (add, remove, clear operations)
  • Ability to export DICOM metadata to csv, excel file
  • Ability to export Excel content type properties to csv, excel
  • Ability to export metadata of AVI format to csv, excel

All Changes

METADATANET-1455 Ability to export Excel content type properties to csv, excel Enhancement
METADATANET-1456 Ability to process Excel content type properties using XlsMetadata class (add, remove, clear operations) Enhancement
METADATANET-1475 Ability to export metadata of AVI format to csv, excel New Feature
METADATANET-247 Ability to read header of AVI video format New Feature
METADATANET-1232 Ability to read Photoshop layers of PSD format New Feature
METADATANET-1256 Ability to use Dynabic.Metered account New Feature
METADATANET-1264 Ability to detect DICOM format New Feature
METADATANET-1436 Ability to read metadata of DICOM format New Feature
METADATANET-1439 Ability to export DICOM metadata to csv, excel file New Feature
METADATANET-1453 Ability to read ByteOrder (little-endian, big-endian) for image formats New Feature
METADATANET-1473 Ability to detect AVI video format New Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Ability to export Excel content type properties to csv, excel

Enhancement allows to export content type properties to csv/excel

This example demonstrates how to export content type properties to excel. All content type properties will be displayed under “Document properties” sheet

// path to the target file
const string path = @"C:\sample.xlsx";

// path to the output file
const string outputPath = @"C:\metadata.xlsx";

// export to excel
byte[] content = ExportFacade.ExportToExcel(path);

// write data to the file
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath, content);

Ability to process Excel content type properties using XlsMetadata class (add, remove, clear operations)

This enhancement allows to process content type properties in Excel document using XlsMetadata

Public API Changes:
Added ClearContentTypeProperties method into class XlsMetadata of namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document
Added AddContentTypeProperty methods (3 overloads) into class XlsMetadata of namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document
Added RemoveContentTypeProperty method into class XlsMetadata of namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document
Added ContentTypeProperties property into class XlsMetadata of namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Document

This example demonstrates how to add content type property

// path to the XLS file
string path = @"C:\\example.xlsx";

// initialize XlsFormat
XlsFormat xlsFormat = new XlsFormat(path);

// get all xls properties
XlsMetadata xlsProperties = xlsFormat.DocumentProperties;

// if Excel contains content type properties
if (xlsProperties.ContentTypeProperties.Length > 0)
 // than remove all content type properties

// set hidden field
xlsProperties.AddContentTypeProperty("user hidden id", "asdk12dkvjdjh3");

// and commit changes

Ability to read header of AVI video format

This feature allows to read AVIMAINHEADER of AVI format

Public API changes
Added AviFormat class into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video
Added AviHeader class into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video

This example demonstrates how to read AVIMAINHEADER of AVI format

// path to the AVI
const string file = @"C:\\download files\tutorial1.avi";

// initialize AviFormat
AviFormat aviFormat = new AviFormat(file);

// get AVI header
AviHeader header = aviFormat.Header;

// display video width
Console.WriteLine("Video width: {0}", header.Width);

// display video height
Console.WriteLine("Video height: {0}", header.Height);

// display total frames
Console.WriteLine("Total frames: {0}", header.TotalFrames);

// display number of streams in file
Console.WriteLine("Number of streams: {0}", header.Streams);

// display suggested buffer size for reading the file
Console.WriteLine("Suggested buffer size: {0}", header.SuggestedBufferSize);

Ability to read Photoshop layers of PSD format

This feature allows to read layers of PSD format
Public API changes
Added PsdLayer class into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image

This example demonstrates how to read layers in Photoshop

// path to the Photoshop file
string path = @"C:\\website-design-01.psd";

// initialize PsdFormat
PsdFormat psdFormat = new PsdFormat(path);

// get all layers
PsdLayer[] layers = psdFormat.Layers;

foreach (PsdLayer layer in layers)
 // display layer short info
 Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, channels count: {1}", layer.Name, layer.ChannelsCount);

Ability to use Dynabic.Metered account

This enhancement allows to use Dynabic.Metered account to run library in licensed mode. It works only with enabled internet connection.
Public API changes
Added Metered class into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata

This example demonstrates how to use library in licensed mode using Dynabic.Metered account

const string publicKey = "[Your Dynabic.Metered public key]";
const string privateKey = "[Your Dynabic.Metered private key]";

// initialize Metered API
GroupDocs.Metadata.Metered metered = new Metered();

// set-up credentials
metered.SetMeteredKey(publicKey, privateKey);

// do some work:

// Open Word document
DocFormat docFormat = new DocFormat(@"C:\cv.docx");

// remove hidden metadata
docFormat.RemoveHiddenData(new DocInspectionOptions(DocInspectorOptionsEnum.All));

// and get consumption quantity
decimal consumptionQuantity = GroupDocs.Metadata.Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity();

Ability to detect DICOM format

This feature allows to detect DICOM image format
Public API changes
Added class DICOMFormat into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image.ImageFormat

This example is shown how to detect DICOM format

// path to the file
const string path = @"C:\\sample.dicom";

// recognize format
FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(path);

// check format type
if (format.Type == DocumentType.DICOM)
 // cast it to DICOMFormat
 DICOMFormat dicom = format as DICOMFormat;

Ability to read metadata of DICOM format

This feature allows to read metadata of DICOM image format
Public API changes
Added class DICOMFormat into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image.ImageFormat
Added class DicomMetadata into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image.ImageFormat

This example is shown how to detect DICOM format

// path to the DICOM
const string path = @"C:\\sample.dicom";

// initialize DICOMFormat
DICOMFormat dicom = new DICOMFormat(path);

// get DICOM metadata
DicomMetadata header = dicom.Info;

// display header offset
Console.WriteLine("Header offset: {0}", header.HeaderOffset);

// display number of frames
Console.WriteLine("Number of frames: {0}", header.NumberOfFrames);

Ability to export DICOM metadata to csv, excel file

This feature allows to export DICOM metadata to csv/excel
This example demonstrates how to export DICOM metadata to excel.

// path to the target file
const string path = @"C:\sample.dicom";

// path to the output file
const string outputPath = @"C:\metadata.xlsx";

// export to excel
byte[] content = ExportFacade.ExportToExcel(path);

// write data to the file
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath, content);

Ability to read ByteOrder (little-endian, big-endian) for image formats

This feature allows to read endianness value in image formats. See more
Public API changes
Added ByteOrder enum into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata
Added ByteOrder property into class ImageFormat of namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Image

This example demonstrates how to read ByteOrder value in image format.

// get all images from the specific folder
string[] images = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\donwload files");

foreach (string path in images)
 // detect image
 ImageFormat image = ImageFormat.FromFile(path);

 // and display byte-order value

Ability to detect AVI video format

This feature allows to detect AVI video format
Public API changes
Extended enum DocumentType: added DocumentType.AVI value

This example is shown how to detect AVI format via FormatFactory

// path to the file
const string path = @"C:\\download files\tutorial1.avi";

// recognize format
FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(path);

// check format type
if (format.Type == DocumentType.AVI)
 // cast it to AviFormat
 AviFormat aviFormat = format as AviFormat;

 // and get it MIME type
 string mimeType = aviFormat.MIMEType;

Ability to export metadata of AVI format to csv, excel

This feature allows to export AVI header to csv/Excel
Public API changes
Added AviHeader class into namespace GroupDocs.Metadata.Formats.Video

This example demonstrates how to export AVI metadata to Excel document

// path to the file
// path to the target file
const string path = @"C:\tralers.AVI";

// path to the output file
const string outputPath = @"C:\metadata.xlsx";

// export to excel
byte[] content = ExportFacade.ExportToExcel(path);

// write data to the file
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath, content);