GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 16.11 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 7 features and 4 enhancements in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Add support of xlsm, xlt, xltx, xltm Excel documents 
  • Add support of pot, potx PowerPoint documents 
  • Read additional properties of MPEG audio header like HeaderPosition, Bitrate, ChannelMode, Copyright etc 
  • Ability to read and write common values like Artist, Album, Title, TrackNumber, Year etc in ID3v2 tag 
  • Ability to detect WMF image format 
  • Ability to detect WebP image format 
  • Ability to remove ID3v2 tag in Mp3 format 
  • Ability to detect MIME type of the specific file 
  • Ability to detect EMF image format 
  • Ability to read content type properties in Excel document 
  • Ability to retrieve image size

All Changes

METADATANET-1197Add support of xlsm, xlt, xltx, xltm Excel documents Enhancement
METADATANET-1199Add support of pot, potx PowerPoint documentsEnhancement
METADATANET-1253Read additional properties of MPEG audio header like HeaderPosition, Bitrate, ChannelMode, Copyright etcEnhancement
METADATANET-1258Ability to read and write common values like Artist, Album, Title, TrackNumber, Year etc in ID3v2 tagEnhancement
METADATANET-712Ability to detect WMF image format New Feature
METADATANET-960Ability to detect WebP image formatNew Feature
METADATANET-1244Ability to remove ID3v2 tag in Mp3 formatNew Feature
METADATANET-1249Ability to detect MIME type of the specific fileNew Feature
METADATANET-1266Ability to detect EMF image formatNew Feature
METADATANET-1276Ability to read content type properties in Excel documentNew Feature
METADATANET-1278Ability to retrieve image sizeNew Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Ability to Read MPEG Audio Details

Ability to read MPEG audio details like bitrate, channel mode, frequency and other flags according to the MPEG specification.

const string filePath = @"C:\download files\Kalimba.mp3";

// get MPEG audio info
MpegAudio audioInfo = (MpegAudio) MetadataUtility.ExtractSpecificMetadata(filePath, MetadataType.MpegAudio);

// another approach is to use Mp3Format directly:

// init Mp3Format class
// Mp3Format mp3Format = new Mp3Format(filePath);

// get MPEG audio info
// MpegAudio audioInfo = mp3Format.AudioDetails;

// display MPEG audio version
Console.WriteLine("MPEG audio version: {0}", audioInfo.MpegAudioVersion);

// display layer version
Console.WriteLine("Layer version: {0}", audioInfo.LayerVersion);

// display header offset
Console.WriteLine("Header offset: {0}", audioInfo.HeaderPosition);

// display bitrate
Console.WriteLine("Bitrate: {0}", audioInfo.Bitrate);

// display frequency
Console.WriteLine("Frequency: {0}", audioInfo.Frequency);

// display channel mode
Console.WriteLine("Channel mode: {0}", audioInfo.ChannelMode);

// display original bit
Console.WriteLine("Is original: {0}", audioInfo.IsOriginal);

// display protected bit
Console.WriteLine("Is protected: {0}", audioInfo.IsProtected);

Ability to Read/Write Common ID3v2 Tags

This enhancement allows to read/write common ID3v2 tags like artist, album, title etc.

const string filePath = @"C:\download files\a-ha - Take On Me.mp3";

// init Mp3Format class
Mp3Format mp3Format = new Mp3Format(filePath);

// get id3v2 tag
Id3v2Tag id3Tag = mp3Format.Id3v2 ?? new Id3v2Tag();

// set artist
id3Tag.Artist = "A-ha";

// set title
id3Tag.Title = "Take on me";

// set band
id3Tag.Band = "A-ha";

// set comment
id3Tag.Comment = "GroupDocs.Metadata creator";

// set track number
id3Tag.TrackNumber = "5";

// set year
id3Tag.Year = "1986";

// update ID3v2 tag

// and commit changes

Ability to Detect WMF Image Format

This feature allows to detect and read dimensions of WMF image format.

const string file = @"C:\\download files\image.wmf";

// initialize WmfFormat
WmfFormat wmfFormat = new WmfFormat(file);

// get width
int width = wmfFormat.Width;

// get height
int height = wmfFormat.Height;

Ability to Detect WebP Image Format

This feature allows to detect and read dimensions of WebP image format.

const string file = @"C:\\download files\sky.webp";

// initialize WebPFormat
WebPFormat webpFormat = new WebPFormat(file);

// get width
int width = webpFormat.Width;

// get height
int height = webpFormat.Height;

Ability to Remove ID3v2 Tag in Mp3 Format

This feature allows to remove ID3 v2.* tag in Mp3 format.

const string filePath = @"C:\download files\a-ha - Take On Me.mp3";

// init Mp3Format class
Mp3Format mp3Format = new Mp3Format(filePath);

// remove ID3v2 tag

// and commit changes

Ability to Detect MIME Type of the Specific File

This feature allows to retrieve MIME type of the specific file or file stream.

// path to the input directory
string dir = @"C:\\download files";

// get all files inside directory
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir);

foreach (string path in files)
 // get MIME type string
 string mimeType = MetadataUtility.GetMimeType(path);

 Console.WriteLine("File: {0}, MIME type: {1}", Path.GetFileName(path), mimeType);

Another approach is to use MIMEType property in FormatBase class or it’s children.

const string file = @"C:\\download files\\sample.docx";

// recognize format
FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(file);

// and get MIME type
string mimeType = format.MIMEType;

Ability to Detect EMF Image Format

This feature allows to detect and read dimensions of EMF image format.

const string file = @"C:\\download files\image.emf";

// initialize EmfFormat
EmfFormat emfFormat = new EmfFormat(file);

// get width
int width = emfFormat.Width;

// get height
int height = emfFormat.Height;

Ability to Read Content Type Properties in Excel Document

This feature allows to read content properties in Xls format.

// path to the XLS file
string path = @"C:\\example.xlsx";

// initialize XlsFormat
XlsFormat xlsFormat = new XlsFormat(path);

// get xls properties
XlsMetadata xlsProperties = xlsFormat.DocumentProperties;

// get content properties
XlsContentProperty[] contentProperties = xlsProperties.ContentProperties;

foreach (XlsContentProperty property in contentProperties)
  Console.WriteLine("Property: {0}, value: {1}, type: {2}", property.Name, property.Value, property.PropertyType);

Ability to Retrieve Image Size

This feature allows to retrieve width and height properties for all image formats.

// path to the input directory
string dir = @"C:\\download files";

// get all files inside directory
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir);

foreach (string path in files)
 // recognize format
 FormatBase format = FormatFactory.RecognizeFormat(path);

 // try to parse image
 ImageFormat imageFormat = format as ImageFormat;

 // skip non-image file
 if (imageFormat == null)

 // get width
 int width = imageFormat.Width;

 // get height
 int height = imageFormat.Height;

 Console.WriteLine("File: {0}, width {1}, height: {2}", Path.GetFileName(path), width, height);
