GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 17.1.0 Release Notes

Major Features

Extended abilities of working with tables of external documents as data sources for all supported file formats.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

ASSEMBLYNET-26Add ability to load multiple DocumentTable objects from a single file as a single operationFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-27Add ability to define relations between DocumentTable instances loaded from a single documentFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-28Add ability to change automatically detected types of DocumentTable columnsFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-29Add ability to use template syntax for related DataTable objects regardless of relation directionEnhancement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Ability to load multiple DocumentTable objects from a single file as a single operation

The following classes and interfaces of the GroupDocs.Assembly.Data namespace have been added: DocumentTableSetDocumentTableCollectionIDocumentTableLoadHandler, and DocumentTableLoadArgs.

The following properties of the GroupDocs.Assembly.Data.DocumentTable class has been added: Name and IndexInDocument.

Example 1: Loading DocumentTableSet Using Default Options


// Load all document tables using default options.
DocumentTableSet tableSet = new DocumentTableSet("Multiple Tables Data.docx");
// Check loading.
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables.Count == 3);
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[0].Name == "Table1");
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[1].Name == "Table2");
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[2].Name == "Table3");

Example 2: Loading DocumentTableSet Using Custom Options


// Load document tables using custom options.
DocumentTableSet tableSet = new DocumentTableSet("Multiple Tables Data.docx", new CustomDocumentTableLoadHandler());
// Ensure that the second table is not loaded.
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables.Count == 2);
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[0].Name == "Table1");
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[1].Name == "Table3");
// Ensure that default options are used to load the first table (that is, default column names are used).
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count == 2);
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[0].Columns[0].Name == "Column1");
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[0].Columns[1].Name == "Column2");
// Ensure that custom options are used to load the third table (that is, column names are extracted).
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[1].Columns.Count == 2);
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[1].Columns[0].Name == "Name");
Debug.Assert(tableSet.Tables[1].Columns[1].Name == "Address");
// ...
private class CustomDocumentTableLoadHandler : IDocumentTableLoadHandler
    public void Handle(DocumentTableLoadArgs args)
        switch (args.TableIndex)
            case 0:
                // Do nothing. The table is to be loaded with default options.
            case 1:
                // Discard loading of the table completely.
                args.IsLoaded = false;
            case 2:
                // Load the table with custom options.
                args.Options = new DocumentTableOptions();
                args.Options.FirstRowContainsColumnNames = true;
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

Example 3: Using DocumentTableSet as Data Source


// Set table column names to be extracted from the document.
DocumentTableSet tableSet = new DocumentTableSet("Multiple Tables Data.docx", new ColumnNameExtractingDocumentTableLoadHandler());
// Set table names for conveniency.
tableSet.Tables[0].Name = "Planets";
tableSet.Tables[1].Name = "Persons";
tableSet.Tables[2].Name = "Companies";
// Pass DocumentTableSet as a data source.
DocumentAssembler assembler = new DocumentAssembler();
assembler.AssembleDocument("Using Document Table Set as Data Source.pptx", "Out.pptx", tableSet);
// ...
private class ColumnNameExtractingDocumentTableLoadHandler : IDocumentTableLoadHandler
    public void Handle(DocumentTableLoadArgs args)
        args.Options = new DocumentTableOptions();
        args.Options.FirstRowContainsColumnNames = true;

Ability to define relations between DocumentTable instances loaded from a single document

The following classes of the GroupDocs.Assembly.Data namespace have been added: DocumentTableRelation and DocumentTableRelationCollection.

The Relations property of the GroupDocs.Assembly.Data.DocumentTableSet class has been added.

Example: Using Document Table Relations


// Set table column names to be extracted from the document.
DocumentTableSet tableSet = new DocumentTableSet("Related Tables Data.xlsx", new ColumnNameExtractingDocumentTableLoadHandler());
// Define relations between tables.
// NOTE: For Spreadsheet documents, table names are extracted from sheet names.
// Pass DocumentTableSet as a data source.
DocumentAssembler assembler = new DocumentAssembler();
assembler.AssembleDocument("Using Document Table Relations.docx", "Out.docx", tableSet);
// ...
private class ColumnNameExtractingDocumentTableLoadHandler : IDocumentTableLoadHandler
    public void Handle(DocumentTableLoadArgs args)
        args.Options = new DocumentTableOptions();
        args.Options.FirstRowContainsColumnNames = true;

Ability to change automatically detected types of DocumentTable columns

The Type property setter has been added to the GroupDocs.Assembly.Data.DocumentTableColumn class.

Example: Changing Document Table Column Type


// Set table column names to be extracted from the document.
DocumentTableOptions options = new DocumentTableOptions();
options.FirstRowContainsColumnNames = true;
DocumentTable table = new DocumentTable("Managers Data.docx", 1, options);
// NOTE: For non-Spreadsheet documents, the type of a document table column is always string by default.
Debug.Assert(table.Columns["Total_Contract_Price"].Type == typeof(string));
// Change the column's type to double thus enabling to use arithmetic operations on values of the column 
// such as summing in templates.
table.Columns["Total_Contract_Price"].Type = typeof(double);
// Pass DocumentTable as a data source.
DocumentAssembler assembler = new DocumentAssembler();
assembler.AssembleDocument("Changing Document Table Column Type.pptx", "Out.pptx", table, "Managers");